Sunday, April 12, 2009

Think twice before calling someone a 'FLIRT'...

Well....i just walk pass a class room....and as far as i can tell...there's a call pointing at me and telling her friend "That guy over there is a flirt!!"
WTF was that about...i mean...that's just plain rude gal!!!!

If you look up the term 'FLIRT' in the dictionary(wikipedia in this case)....THIS is what this says....

Flirting is a form of human interaction between two people, expressing a romantic and/or sexual interest. It can consist of conversation, body language, or brief physical contact.

There you go girls!!!!


Just talking to girls isn't's just.....good "Social Networking"
Making friends in other words....
Why don't you ppl understand....?

I mean....WHAT are you gonna do if you gonna meet a real flirt??
Call 911 or something??


So...the next time....think twice before calling some one a flirt....and that goes of ALL of you ppl out there reading this

~i really need a good sign~

P.S. Umm....i would like to include something else i found online....

In other situations, it may be done simply for immediate entertainment, with no intention of developing any further relationship. This type of flirting sometimes faces disapproval from others, either because it can be misinterpreted as more serious, or it may be viewed as "cheating" if the person is already in a romantic relationship with someone else.

Ummm...i really don't agree....