Monday, August 24, 2009

If you're a fail one time or the other....

What is love guys??
Tricky question....i know...but seriously!!
Most of them think it's just a feeling between a boy and a gal....and all that blah blah stuff.... tell you the truth...i dont know myself....but i do know that....what a brother, a father, a mother, a sister....most importantly....a FRIEND shows towards a person is also called love. :)
But unfortunately....that love always fails....
You can love a person to ANY EXTENT.....but the way of expressing it matters....
Take it from me....if you're not a 'lover'(as ppl put it) your chances are limited....
But that doesn't mean you dont love a person does it??

And in the dont get anything....the so called 'lover' comes and takes everything away....
You...I....we lose in the end....
And here...i'm talking about a Friend most importantly.....
Try to imagine this...a guy or a gal...'loves' a person...expecting one thing:
That one day....she or he will be hers...and if that happens...that love has succeeded....and what does a FRIEND get??
A Friend knows that....the person can never be his or hers....but still continues to love them all the same :)
Now what would you call true love??
And most of the 'Lovers' fail to realize this....once a 'lover' comes into their life...they blindly forget all others...all those who had been around through their misery....through their sufferings.....
If a guy can make u happy....think about the ppl who were around when u were sad....
I'm not saying i'll be any different....but i'll surely try to understand the other persons feelings....after all...we all ARE Human Beings....
So next time....when a 'lover' comes by...dont think about the future with him/her....think about the ppl who stuck around for u in the past...
Life would be million times better :)


  1. There's nothing personal in dont ask me stupid questions

  2. I guess yo did a lot of inquisition abt Love...
    Lovers can Nudge yo wen they 're struck wid silly Enigma's....
    Rock Onn bro.
